Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.

Hand Me Down

2020. Used Bed Sheets, Galvanized Steel Chain, Interior House Paint, Fluorescent Acrylic Paint. Site Responsive Installation. 14ft Tall x 30 ft Long x 20 ft Wide.

Hand Me Down began as an experiment in making mass and variety of forms with the given architecture of my grad school studio. I started in a corner and worked outward. As the work grew I dropped chains from the ceiling to add dimension to the form. As time passed I made visual connections between crochet looping and roller coaster tracks.

In the middle of pre-vaccine COVID-19, my thoughts like millions of others were with my family. And like millions of others, I was seeking escape. Growing up down the road from a theme park, the idea of escape brings images of themed queue lines, carnival food smells, high-adrenaline rides, and nighttime light shows. Once crochet loops became roller coaster tracks, the paint I added came from black light rides and broken spin art sets. Hand Me Down is craft absurdity and do-it-yourself amusement.

Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.
Hand Me Down. 2020. Mo Kessler.