2020. Site Specific Installation, 44ft x 22ft. Materials: 5 miles of yarn.
This fabric sculpture is 44ft long and 22 ft at its widest and made of a variety of yarns stretched between an old wooden railing, thin trees, and the cord that runs between the posts on my porch. It is entirely constructed using a chain loop crochet method. Each new yarn introduced is layered into the last and one level deeper. This piece started as an exercise in line drawing in space and became a daily action, (weather permitting). Through discussions and time spent with the work, I realized I was making a safety net.
The title of this work comes from how elders in my childhood spoke of planning and crises. The lessons of great floods, droughts, and mass layoffs were taught through stories, photos, and newspaper clippings. Each lesson of tragedy was also a story of righteous solidarity. Mass crises reveal the weaknesses and motivations of systems. For many parts of this country, people have been left to make their own safety nets, and their own infrastructure to care for and protect each other. This work is a reflection on this systematic fragility, frontline resilience, and substitutions for connections in this time of isolation.